The most important thing we do in life is find someone to share it with. We were not built to live alone and in fact isolation from living alone can produce more stress and anxiety, and a sense of lost connection to life.
Today more and more people are finding it difficult to date, or to move beyond dating to a long term committed relationship. One of the main premises, I teach is that relationships are available for all of us and sometimes it is us who needs to do the work to become available for the relationship. So, if you have been struggling with finding or keeping a relationship, it is time to come in and discover the simple techniques to release the blocks that you may not even know you have.
For couples, negotiating a good relationship can be very stressful, and comes with its own unique challenges. Often couples come in after too many problems have occurred, making it difficult to find the way back to a healthy comfortable relationship. Please don’t wait. If you have a sense that something isn’t right in your relationship and you have been ignoring it, hoping it would go away, now is the time to act.
Couple counseling is different than traditional therapy, in that it stays in the present, focusing on understanding the issues and learning new communication skills to resolve differences. Most of us do not realize that once you changed from being single to a relationship, you entered a whole new way of being. One that would require a whole new skill set. Many people take it for granted that they already possess great communication tools and can work things out on their own and in some instances they may be right. However, what people fail to realize is that we all communicate differently, and in fact we all hear things differently. Have you ever had the argument starting with, I clearly told you this, only to be told you most certainly did not? That is because we also have our own selective hearing based on perceptions that we developed from our own families of origin. In other words we really do hear things that are different then what people actually said.
In 4 sessions, I can teach you both the skills and help you work through understanding and developing commitments on how you use your money, the chores and space you share, and how you deal with your time together and apart including time spent with relatives and friends. And finally, I provide a safe place to help you discover or rediscover a fun, healthy sexual relationship.
Finally, it’s important to understand that there is no great mystery to maintaining a relationship. However, without the right support and skill building, it can be very difficult to do. Whether this is the first, or hopefully your last relationship, I provide a safe non-judgmental environment to once again find a way to thrive.